Neuroscientist Gary Small, co-author with Gigi Vorga of iBrain: Surviving the technological alteration of the modern mind writes:
Teenagers desire instant gratification – they want to satisfy their needs and do it now, not later. Their underdeveloped frontal lobes often impair their everyday judgment. Many teens feel they are invincible – danger will bounce off them. Today’s obsession with computer technology and video gaming appears to be stunting frontal lobe development in many teenagers, impairing their social and reasoning abilities. If young people continue to mature in this fashion, their brains’ neural pathways may never catch up. It is possible that they could remain locked into a neural circuitry that stays at an immature and self-absorbed emotional level, right through adulthood.
Then he writes that when we act in a way that gratifies our needs instantly, the brain’s emotional centers, the parts of the brain which aren’t able to plan for the future, take over.
What’s the role of the frontal lobes? From Wikipedia:
The frontal lobe reaches full maturity around age 25, marking the cognitive maturity associated with adulthood. Arthur Toga, UCLA, found increased myelin in the frontal lobe white matter of young adults compared to that of teens. A typical onset of schizophrenia in early adult years correlates with poorly myelinated and thus inefficient connections between cells in the fore-brain…The frontal lobe contains most of the dopamine-sensitive neurons in the cerebral cortex. The dopamine system is associated with reward, attention, long-term memory, planning, and drive. Dopamine tends to limit and select sensory information arriving from the thalamus to the fore-brain. A report from the National Institute of Mental Health says a gene variant that reduces dopamine activity in the prefrontal cortex is related to poorer performance and inefficient functioning of that brain region during working memory tasks, and to slightly increased risk for schizophrenia…The executive functions of the frontal lobes involve the ability to recognize future consequences resulting from current actions, to choose between good and bad actions (or better and best), override and suppress unacceptable social responses, and determine similarities and differences between things or events. Therefore, it is involved in higher mental functions.
If there’s a time in history where a long-term vision is needed, it’s now. Both in the environmental and financial areas we are going to pay the cost heavily for a short-term view. Environmentally, we exploited the planet’s resources as if they were infinite with a very short-term view of the consequences of our decisions.
Financially, the credit craze privileged the consumption today over the bill tomorrow, putting the whole system in a mess which nobody knows if and when it will ever recover. Without a well-developed frontal lobe, the higher mental faculties of long-term planning are substituted by short-term childish gratification.
The frontal lobes “determine similarities and differences between things or events.” It seems that the frontal lobes integrate the qualities of clear mental discrimination, which allows us to make subtle distinctions and to recognize the truth.
On a spiritual plane, “discriminating awareness” is an important mental quality to develop in the path toward an expanded awareness. Even though the qualities of mental discrimination are going to be overcome in the advanced stages of the path, those stages can’t be bypassed. While the absence of mental discrimination in an enlightened being means joining a larger awareness which doesn’t depend on the conceptual mind any more, in a person who didn’t train his mind and soul it means a schizophrenic state.
Without well-developed frontal lobes in the population, political leaders can easily manipulate truth, gain approvals with highly emotive messages and contradict themselves often – with no consequences. If people can’t see the big picture any more, focusing only on the last novelty with a weak memory, there’s not even any need any more by states to threaten the freedom of the press. Simply, people won’t be bothered by consistency and truth any more. Then promises and declarations by politicians can be disproved without even being noticed.
Damage to the frontal lobes include distractibility, poor attention and poor memory. Those damages also cause inability to plan ahead and indifference to people and the world around, alternated with euphoric and uninhibited behaviors. Those symptoms are related to physical damage to the frontal lobes and it would be going too far to apply them to the use of technology: however there’s a strong resemblance of those symptoms with Internet addiction or with attention deficit disorder.
Many pediatrics associations suggest to parents to avoid video technology in the first 2 years of age, while the Waldorf education method refrains from exposing a child to technology till much later to respect the cognitive and emotional development of children. Without need of brain scans and neurotechnological tools, the mystical sensitivity is able to connect with the inner nature of the mind.
If frontal lobe development is being stunted in young people by the massive use of technology there’s little surprise that those symptoms are rising in young people as well as in older people who have already had their frontal lobes developed, on different levels of intensity. On a widespread level, with the fast pace of technology, more and more people experience difficulties in concentrating on a long task, as for instance in reading books.
So will the world resemble Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where society was structured in such a way that every desire was satisfied in a short time? In case of unpleasurable feelings, there was soma, the perfect drug with no side effects.
I feel the conflict between short- and long-term goals will be at the center stage in the next few years, as well as the one between the mind frames for specialization versus seeing the whole picture. System theory and the science of complexity are important developments toward a vision of reality which takes complex interactions into consideration, but basically they are founded on the same thought modalities of specialization and reductionism.
For instance, now we have much more knowledge of the complex environmental interactions but we are still far from seeing the whole picture. Like the search for the elementary particles, there will probably be no end in that knowledge. Though the more we progress in environmental knowledge, if we just rely on information, the more we risk making bigger disasters looking for “solutions,” as in the geo-engineering proposals to “hack and fix the planet” in order to reverse global warming.
We can probably find good advice in ancient Taoist, American Indian, or just philosophies of organic farmers on how to interact as human beings with nature and, it would be much better if we join those philosophies with scientific data.
What is needed in the complex world is to conjoin the science of complexity with a sensitive intellect connected both to the inner world of the soul and the outer world. An intellect which can pierce reality and thoughts, with an intuitive and large vision, a kind of wisdom which allows wise people to know the depth of reality through direct contact.
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