Thursday, October 11, 2012

Radical Honesty

Radical Honesty

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Radical Honesty is a technique and self-improvement program developed by Dr. Brad Blanton.[1] The program asserts that lying is the primary source of modern human stress and that practitioners will become happier by being more honest, even about painful or taboo subjects. Blanton claims this form of honesty can help all human relationships since it "creates an intimacy not possible if you are hiding something for the sake of someone's feelings."[2]
The Radical Honesty technique includes having practitioners state their feelings bluntly, directly and in ways typically considered impolite.[3] For example, "I'm disgusted with you for X" where X is a statement of objective observation about the person towards whom the comment is being directed. People who practice Radical Honesty employ a collection of techniques to shift them out of acceptable norms of "white lying" for the purpose of having a more truthful relationship with themselves and others.
The material employed to communicate and teach Radical Honesty through books and workshops is drawn from an eclectic collection of sources includingSufismclinical psychologyGestalt therapy and the comic spiritual belief (developed by Blanton) called Futilitarianism, which claims that it is futile to have any belief whatsoever.

Radical Honesty is direct communication that leads to intimacy in relationships. When people stop pretending, they can powerfully create their future together.

Energy that was wasted maintaining a performance for the sake of other people is suddenly available forreal creativity.

This works for couples, families, communities and nations. At the Center for Radical Honesty, we are building communities of intimate friends who are creating a revolution in consciousness through direct, open and honest conversation.
radical honesty
Haven’t read Brad’s best selling book yet? Why not??
This new edition includes Brad’s accumulated observations since 1994
of those people whose lives have been transformed
by getting out of the self-made jails of their minds into the truth they have always known.

Available at bookstores everywhere, online and in-store. 

Ready to get honest in your life?
Do you need some skilled help so you don’t totally destroy everything and instead get help with leading a much happier, less stressful life?
You can work with Brad Blanton or a Certified Radical Honesty Trainer near you to assist you to transform your life by telling the truth.